To set up a conference call from the Address Book

If you use Microsoft NetMeeting or other conferencing software, you can store conferencing account information (such as e-mail and server addresses) along with other contact information, and then make a conferencing call directly from the Address Book.

  1. In the Address Book, double-click the contact name.

  2. On the NetMeeting tab, type the conferencing address for the contact. (If NetMeeting is not installed, this tab is named Conferencing). This address must be the one used for conferencing, which could be different from the contact's e-mail address.

  3. Type the directory server address, and then click Add to add it to the contact's properties.

Now, whenever you want to initiate a conference call, you can click Call Now on the NetMeeting (or Conferencing) tab of the contact's properties.

Related Topic

Adding contacts to your address book